Travel Insurance
– Maximum Benefits: $5,000,000
– Ambulance Transportation: Licensed local ground or air ambulance service or taxi fare (if ambulance is required, but not available). Sea and mountain evacuation is limited to $5,000.
– Emergency Hospital: semi-private hospital accommodation.
– Physicians – in or out of a hospital.
– Private Duty Nurse – up to $5,000 for services of a registered nurse*
– Diagnostic Services: Lab tests and X-ray examinations ordered by a physician. Note: MRI, CAT scans, sonograms, ultrasounds and biopsies must be pre-approved*
– Prescription drugs or medicines, limited to 30-day supply per prescription (unless you are hospitalized).
– Medical Appliance: Rental or purchase (whichever is less) of a wheelchair, brace, crutch or other medical appliance*
– Professional Medical Services – care received from a licensed chiropractor, osteopath, physiotherapist or podiatrist, up to $350 per category of practitioner, when referred by a physician*
– Accidental Dental: Up to $3,000 for repair or replacement of whole or sound natural teeth damaged by an accidental blow to the face.
– Dental Emergencies: Up to $500 for the immediate relief of acute dental pain, outside your province/territory of residence.
– Expenses to return children under your care: up to the cost of a one-way economy airfare to transport your insured children or grandchildren to their original point of departure if you are admitted to the hospital for more than 24 hours or must be medically repatriated due to an emergency; if necessary, the extra cost for a qualified caregiver to escort your children*
– Return of Vehicle: Up to $2,500 to return a vehicle if neither you, nor someone traveling with you, are able to drive your vehicle to your original departure point as a result of an emergency.
– Return to Original Trip Destination – up to $5,000 to return you to your original trip destination, when you have recovered from the emergency (if you have been returned to Canada for treatment)*
– Meals and Accommodation – up to $150 per day to a maximum of $1,500 for meals, hotel, phone calls and taxis, if an emergency prevents you or your travel companion from returning to your province/territory of residence as originally planned or if your emergency medical treatment or that of your travel companion requires your transfer to a location that is different from your original destination.
– Expenses Related to your Death: In the event of death from covered condition, up to $5,000 for the preparation of your body and the cost of the transportation container plus the transportation costs to return your body home; or up to $2,000 to cremate your body at the place of death; or up to $5,000 for the preparation of your body and for your burial at the place of death.
– Bedside Companion: the cost for a round-trip economy airfare, to bring a bedside companion to you and up to $150 per day to maximum of 1,500 for meals and commercial accommodation, if you have been hospitalized for at least 72 consecutive hours*
– Pet Return – up to $300 to return the insured’s accompanying dog or cat to Canada, if the insured is returned to Canada or hospitalized.
– Hospital Allowance: up to $50 per day, to a maximum of $250, for additional out-of-pocket expenses (i.e. telephone, television rental) when you are hospitalized for 48 hours or more.
* Must be pre-approved by Zurich Travel Assist.
You must purchase this insurance prior to your departure date from your province/territory of residence.
To be eligible for coverage you must, as of the date you apply for coverage and the effective date:
(i) be at least 15 days old and under age 75, and
(ii) be covered by the government health insurance plan (GHIP) of your Canadian province/territory of residence for the entire duration of your trip; and
(iii) not be travelling against the advice of a physician; and
(iv) not have used home oxygen within the last 12 months prior to date of application.
You are NOT ELIGIBLE for coverage if you have been diagnosed with or treated for any of the following:
– Terminal illness; or
– Aneurysm that has not been surgically repaired; or
– Metastatic cancer or cancer of the liver, pancreas or bone; or
– Organ transplant (heart, lung, liver, kidney); or
– Kidney failure requiring dialysis.
If you are age 54 or younger, you may purchase a Single Trip plan for a period of up to amount of days permitted by your provincial/territorial GHIP. If you are age 55 to 74, you may purchase a Single Trip plan of up to 25 days.
Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion: Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any pre-existing medical condition or related condition (other than a minor condition) that was not stable at any time during the 90 days (Age 59 or younger) or 180 days (Age 60 to 74) prior to the policy effective date.
Minor condition describes a sickness or injury during the stability period which ended prior to the policy effective date and which did not require:
a) treatment for a period longer than 15 consecutive days; or
b) more than one follow-up visit to a physician; or
c) hospitalization, surgery, or referral to a specialist; and
d) which ended at least 30 days prior to the departure date.
Stable means a medical condition is considered stable when all of the following statements are true:
1. there has not been any new treatment prescribed or recommended, or change(s) to existing treatment (including a stoppage in treatment); and
2. there has not been any change in medication, or any recommendation or starting of a new prescription drug, and
3. the medical condition has not become worse, and
4. there has not been any new, more frequent or more severe symptoms, and
5. there has been no hospitalization or referral to a specialist, and
6. there have not been any tests; investigation or treatment recommended, but not yet complete, nor any outstanding test results, and
7. there is no planned or pending treatment.
All of the above conditions must be met for a medical condition to be considered stable.
Change in medication means the medication dosage, frequency or type has been reduced, increased or stopped, and/or new medication(s) has/have been prescribed. Exceptions: the routine adjustment of Coumadin, warfarin or insulin (as long as they are not newly prescribed or stopped) to test your blood levels; and a change from a brand name medication to a generic brand medication of the same dosage.
You can extend your coverage before you leave your province or territory of residence.
If you decide to apply for additional coverage before you have left your province or territory of residence, contact the agent where coverage was originally purchased.
If you decide to apply for additional coverage after you have left your province or territory of residence, you may apply for a new term of coverage if you:
a) are in good health; and
b) have no reason to seek medical consultation during the new term of coverage.
If you have incurred a claim, the Assistance Centre will review your file before deciding on granting an extension.
The Assistance Centre reserves the right to decline any request for new terms of coverage.
Each policy or term of coverage is considered a separate contract and all limitations and exclusions will apply. If you are topping up an existing Destination: Travel Leisure Annual Multi-Trip plan prior to your departure date, without a break in coverage, this policy is a continuation of the original policy.
The recurrence of a medical condition(s) or related condition(s) that were present during the original term of the policy will not be covered under this policy during any extension period.
Automatic Extension of Coverage:
If you or your travelling companion are hospitalized on your policy expiry date, your coverage will automatically be extended at no additional premium for the period of hospitalization and up to 72 hours after discharge.
If medical evidence supports that you are medically unfit to travel due to a covered sickness or injury on or before the coverage policy expiry date, coverage will be automatically extended for up to 5 days.
In addition, coverage will automatically be extended for 72 hours when there is a delay of a common carrier on which you are pre-booked as a passenger, extreme weather conditions or mechanical failure of your vehicle.
You must provide documented proof of the cause for the delay that is satisfactory to Destination: Travel Group Inc.
DTGI will only consider requests for a refund if you did not leave on your trip or if you returned early from your trip and:
(a) no claim has been incurred or paid, or is pending; and
(b) you send a written request with proof of your non-departure or early return before your coverage period ends.
No claim will be paid if you have received a refund of premium for unused days.
Refunds will be calculated on a pro-rated basis from the date postmarked on your written request if mailed or emailed, or on the date such faxed request is received by the Destination: Travel Group Inc. and are subject to a $25.00 cancellation fee and a minimum refund of $10.00. Under no condition will a refund be made after the policy effective date of an Annual MultiTrip Plan or for an early return during a coverage extension period.
In the event of a medical emergency, you must notify Zurich Travel Assist (toll free 1-888-726-1839 or worldwide collect 416-260-4553) prior to any surgery being performed or within 24 hours of admission to a hospital.
If you fail to notify the Assistance Centre, without reasonable cause, it will result in the reduction of eligible benefit amounts payable by 20%. You will be responsible for any expenses that are not payable by the insurer.
1. Claims must be reported within 30 days of occurrence.
2. Written proof of claim must be submitted within 90 days of occurrence.
3. Any costs incurred for documentation or required reports are your or the claimant’s responsibility.
4. To submit your claim, fill out the claim form completely and include all original bills. Incomplete information will cause delay.
5. All eligible claims must be supported by original receipts from commercial organizations.
Zurich Canada Travel Insurance
c/o Zurich Travel Assist
100 King Street West, Suite 5300, Toronto, ON M5X 1C9
For Online Claim Submission visit //destinationtravelclaims.nac.zurich.com
1. a)Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion (Age 59 or younger): Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any pre-existing medical condition or related condition (other than a minor condition) that was not stable at any time during the 90 days prior to the policy effective date or departure date if you purchased this insurance as a top up to your Destination: Travel Leisure Annual Multi-Trip plan prior to your departure date.
b)Pre-existing medical conditions exclusion (Age 60 to 74): Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any pre-existing medical condition or related condition (other than a minor condition) that was not stable at any time during the 180 days prior to the policy effective date or departure date if you purchased this insurance as a top up to your Destination: Travel Leisure Annual Multi-Trip plan prior to your departure date.
2. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any non-emergency, experimental or elective treatment such as cosmetic surgery, chronic care, rehabilitation including any expenses for directly or indirectly related complications.
3. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from medical care or services where travel was undertaken contrary to medical advice or after notice of a terminal illness has been given.
4. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from exceeding the reasonable and customary rate for the area where the treatment or services are being performed.
5. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from ongoing or followup treatment, rehabilitative care, or the recurrence of a medical condition or related condition once the emergency is declared over by the attending physician or the Assistance Centre.
6. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to:
(i) any loss resulting from your minor mental or emotional disorder; and/or
(ii) your self-inflicted injuries, unless medical evidence establishes that the injuries are related to a mental health illness.
Minor mental or emotional disorder means: – having anxiety or panic attacks, or; – being in an emotional state or in a stressful situation. A minor mental or emotional disorder is one where your treatment includes only minor tranquilizers or minor anti-anxiety medication (anxiolytics) or no prescribed medication at all.
7. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from transplants, including but not limited to cornea or organ transplants or bone marrow transplants, artificial joints, prosthetic devices or implants including any associated charges.
8. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred to obtain treatment outside your province or territory of residence whether or not recommended by your attending physician.
9. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any treatment which can be reasonably delayed until you return to Canada (whether or not you intend to return) by the next available means of transportation, unless approved in advance by the Assistance Centre.
10. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from a recurrence or complication of the sickness, injury or medical condition that resulted in you being returned to your province or territory of residence if you elect to resume your trip after being returned to Canada.
11. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from treatment or services that contravene, or are prohibited by legislation under a provincial or territorial hospital/medical plan.
12. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from:
(i) routine prenatal or post-natal care; or
(ii) pregnancy, childbirth or complications thereof after the 31st week of pregnancy; or
(iii) high-risk pregnancy.
13. Benefits are not payable or costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from your child born during a trip.
14. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from death or injury if at the time of the loss, death or injury, evidence supports that you were affected by, or the medical condition causing the loss was in any way contributed to by, arising from, or in any way related to:
(i) your abuse of alcohol; or
(ii) your use of prohibited drugs or any other intoxicant; or
(iii) your non-compliance with prescribed treatment or medical therapy before or after the policy effective date; or
(iv) your use of medication or drugs that have not been approved by the appropriate government authority; or
(v) your misuse of medication before or after the policy effective date.
15. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any :
(i) act of war; or
(ii) kidnapping; or
(iii) act of terrorism (limited coverage applies with respect to an act of terrorism as described in the Act of Terrorism Coverage provision); or
(iv) riot, strike or civil commotion; or
(v) unlawful visit in any country; or
(vi) participating in protests; or
(vii) a commercial sexual transaction; or
(viii) the commission or attempted commission of any criminal offence or illegal act; or
(ix) the disobeying of any statutory law or regulation in the area where the loss occurred.
16. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from your participation in:
– rock climbing;
– mountain climbing which involves the ascent or descent of a mountain requiring the use of specialized equipment, including crampons, pickaxes, anchors, bolts, carabiners and lead or top-rope anchoring equipment;
– hang-gliding;
– parachuting;
– bungee jumping;
– skydiving;
– any form of BASE jumping (ie: wingsuit flying);
– any competition, speed event or other high-risk activity involving the use of a motor vehicle on land, water or air, including training activities, whether on approved tracks or elsewhere;
– your professional participation in a sport, if that sport is your main paid occupation;
– scuba diving (except if certified by internationally recognized and accepted program such as NAUI or PADI, or if diving depth does not exceed 30 meters).
17. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from a motor vehicle accident where you are entitled to receive benefits pursuant to any policy or legislative plan of motor vehicle insurance except when such benefits are exhausted.
18. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from:
(i) your engagement in the operation of transport vehicles; or
(ii) performing employment duties on any aircraft or ship; or
(iii) operating or learning to operate any aircraft, as a pilot or crew; or
(iv) performing duties in any regular armed forces service.
19. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred in your province/territory of residence.
20. Benefits are not payable for costs incurred due to, contributed to by, or resulting from any act of terrorism or any medical condition you suffer or contract when an official travel advisory was issued by the Canadian government stating “Avoid non-essential travel” or “Avoid all travel” regarding the country, region or city of your destination, before your policy effective date.
To read the travel advisories, visit the Government of Canada Official Global Travel Advisory site.
This exclusion does not apply to claims for an emergency or a medical condition unrelated to the travel advisory.
– Family coverage is only available for applicants up to age 59. Premium is based on the oldest member of the family.
– Child or children means financially dependent unmarried natural, adopted or step-children who are:
a) under 21 years of age; or
b) under 26 years of age if a full-time student;
c) of any age, who are mentally or physically disabled.
IMPORTANT NOTE: The product-related information on this website is for illustration purposes only. For complete benefits, terms, conditions, limitations and exclusions, please see the policy booklet at the download section below. Please read and understand your policy before you travel.
Destination Travel Group Inc. supports THiA Bill of Rights. For more information, go to www.thiaonline.com/Travel_Insurance_Bill_of_Rights_and_Responsibilities.html